Care. Compassion. Respect.


Bringing Community Together to Improve Access to Healthcare

Named "One of the Best Nonprofits" by Spur Local, Culmore Clinic is a nonprofit healthcare clinic offering free, compassionate,culturally-sensitive medical care, counseling, and specialty referrals to uninsured adults in the Falls Church, VA area.



Access to healthcare continues to be a crisis for many of our neighbors in Northern Virginia. Over half of Bailey’s Crossroads residents are uninsured. Barriers to accessing medical care are legion. Affordability, language, and documentation are just a few examples. Dedicated individuals and congregations thought something should be done. In 2007, they opened Culmore Clinic.


الاخبار و الاحداث 

Culmore Clinic’s New Look Revealed!

Over the last month, Culmore Clinic has been undergoing a visual transformation. Thanks to our partners at The Oasis Alliance, we have been updating the look of the Clinic with trauma-informed design in mind. New paint, a mural, new furniture, new lighting and even new sinks have been installed. All the work has been done over weekends so it would not disrupt patient flow. The team, which includes several of our faithful Culmore Clinic volunteers, has done an amazing job. Our staff and patients agree it's "zen."

Volunteer Spotlight: Irma Hashmi, DO
Volunteer Gastroenterologist

Irma Hashmi, DO took her first tour of Culmore Clinic in February and by April she was seeing her first Culmore Clinic patient as a Volunteer Gastroenterologist. Funny enough, Irma found Culmore Clinic through one of her patients at her work at a Northern Virginia hospital. Learn more about her volunteer work with Culmore Clinic…

Thank You & Farewell to Medical Assistant Sophia King

This summer we have been fortunate to have weekly support from Sophia King, a College of William & Mary student who is on a pre-med track working as our Medical Assistant. As the new school year begins, we have to say "so long" to Sophia and several other MAs. Sophia promises she'll return next summer.



تقدم عيادة كولمور الخدمات الطبية الأساسية والاختبارات التشخيصية والاستشارات الصحية وخدمات الصحة العقلية والرعاية المتخصصة ثلاثة أيام في الأسبوع للبالغين في مجتمع Bailey's Crossroads ، VA. تعمل العيادة بشكل مباشر على التخفيف من الفوارق الصحية ، وتقدم خدمات منخفضة التكلفة للمرضى الذين لن يتمكنوا من الوصول إلى أي نوع من الرعاية الطبية. تعرف على المزيد حول كيفية أن تصبح مريضا أو كيفية إحالة مريض إلينا.

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Culmore Clinic is a heavily volunteer run nonprofit. In fact, Nearly 86% of our operations are run by volunteers (as of June 2024). Our volunteers are our lifeline and we are always in search of people with language, medical, organizational, and fundraising skills. We pride ourselves in our multi-generational volunteer opportunities.

Looking to give back to a critical local nonprofit? We’d love to have you! Reach out by filling out our volunteer interest form, and we’ll help you find a way for you to give back.



هناك العديد من الطرق لدعمنا من تقديم تبرع مالي إلى التسوق على Amazon Prime إلى التبرع بالعناصر التي نحتاجها لتشغيل عيادتنا. نظرا لأننا نستخدم الكثير من ساعات التطوع ، ونركز عملنا على مجتمع في أمس الحاجة إليه ، فإن تبرعك يذهب إلى أبعد من ذلك ولكنه يبقى قريبا من المنزل.

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