Make Us Sing: Take the March Brick Challenge!

Ornate Hearts Valentine's Day Facebook Post.png

This March we thought we’d shake it up. In honor of our new Executive Director, Anne-Lise Quinn, and her Irish roots, we thought we would challenge our community to make us sing some Irish Folk Songs!

If we meet our goal of five donated bricks by the end of March, Anne-Lise will lead our staff and volunteers in a song from her heritage. And, not only that…we’ll film it and put it up on social media as well as our website for all to watch!

So, if you’d like to see us sing, and you’d like to literally build a pathway to affordable, quality healthcare, make your $150 tax-deductible donation today and we’ll engrave the name of your choosing on one of the bricks leading to The Clinic (see photo below)!

كندرا روبنفيلد