Think Small this #GivingTuesday

Dear Friends of Culmore Clinic,

As your inboxes have likely told you by now, today is #GivingTuesday - a worldwide day of giving. This word, "worldwide," comes with more weight this year. Humans, all of us, are feeling the pain and suffering that COVID-19 is reaping on us all. With such immensity, it's easy to fall victim to apathy, to indifference, to wanting to shut out the bad news all together.

But instead, we offer this simple idea as a solution. If we all fixed our neighborhoods - our community - the world would indeed be a better place. So, on this big day of giving, we hope you'll think small...but mighty.

That's who we are at Culmore Clinic. With relatively little, we do so much for our community in need. Because so many of our staff are volunteers, we are able to make each donated dollar stretch. Because of our community partnerships, we're able to address multiple needs.

And so we ask you to please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Culmore Clinic today on #GivingTuesday, and feel a small weight off your shoulders knowing you have done something to help the world by helping your community.


All of us at Culmore Clinic

P.S. Did you know that for the price of a dinner out, you can fund case management services for one of our patients? Donate now.

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