Volunteer Spotlight: Marcela Von Vacano, Volunteer Interpreter and Spanish Teacher

Volunteers founded Culmore Clinic in 2007 and to this day it is still significantly volunteer run. Regularly we like to spotlight volunteers who support the Culmore Clinic mission and ensure continuous quality, culturally sensitive healthcare at little to no cost to our uninsured patients. 

This month we’re featuring Volunteer Interpreter Marcela Von Vacano. Marcela is a relatively new volunteer but she has already added so much to Culmore Clinic, including offering a free basic Spanish class to our providers. We sat down with her to learn more about her experience so far…

How did you find out about Culmore Clinic and what made you decide to volunteer?

I joined Ignatian Volunteer Corps, which is a Jesuit organization for volunteers. They suggested I interview at Culmore Clinic and I immediately decided that I wanted to be a volunteer there because I believe that the work they do is of great importance to the community and it is much needed.

Tell us more about the Basic Spanish Class you’re offering our providers.

As soon as I started as a volunteer, I realized that the majority of the patients speak only Spanish. I also realized that many providers only speak a little bit of Spanish, and even those that speak well, prefer an interpreter like myself in the room, or through the virtual service Culmore Clinic contracts. So, I started asking providers if they would be interested in taking a class with me, free of charge. I am a trained Bilingual Educator and I know that learning a language is an ongoing process. Several people expressed interest and so, the basic Spanish class began and will continue until the end of May! My hope is to offer a more advanced class in the Fall.

Can you tell us a bit more about your background?

I am originally from Cochabamba, Bolivia. We came to the US in 1980 as political refugees escaping from the military dictatorial regimes. My husband was a journalist and a writer and he was imprisoned because he wrote about corruption at high levels of government. Thanks to the fact that he was a well known author, he was able to get out of prison and soon after that, we had to leave the country under very difficult circumstances. We lived in New York City for two years and then we moved to Bethesda, Maryland where our 3 children attended school. Then we moved to Alexandria, VA in 1990.

I hold an undergraduate degree in Bilingual Education and a Master’s Degree in Education with endorsements as Reading Specialist, School Administration, English as a Second Language and Spanish all from George Washington University.

I worked for Arlington Public Schools for 32 years. During this time I implemented the Spanish Immersion Program at Key Elementary School, and the First Language Support Program for children who did not know any English and had to make the transition from Spanish to English. My colleagues and I wrote 9 curriculum guides to implement both programs, and I was the Bilingual Specialist. I taught English as a Second Languages in grades K - 5, and taught Spanish to Arlington teachers who received credits from George Mason University. I also taught Spanish Literacy to adults who did not know how to read and write.

Now I am retired but my love for teaching and helping people continues and I’m thrilled to be able to apply it to my work at Culmore Clinic.

What's your favorite part about volunteering at Culmore Clinic?

I feel that Culmore Clinic is like a  big family. Staff and volunteers are there because we choose to be there. I believe that everyone is very committed to helping people who really need the services. I have great admiration for the administrators, secretaries, support personnel and all the providers and volunteers. It is a very special place.

What are you doing when you’re not volunteering with Culmore Clinic?

I reside in Alexandria and love spending time with many good friends. I enjoy traveling, reading, and going to the museums and theater in our area. I love watching films and gardening, and spending time with my two adult daughters and son when we are together.

All photos courtesy of Marcela. Pictured above are photos from her travel and sightseeing as well as her with one of her daughters and her son.